● 1510nm至1590nm工作波长
● 20dB典型高光纤到光纤增益
● 输出高达14dBm
● 14针蝶形紧密封装
● Panda输入/输出保偏光纤 (可选)
● 内置TEC
● 扫频光纤激光器
● 增压和在线放大
● 通用测试与测量
● 光网络
● 光纤传感
工作波长 |
1510nm至1590nm |
峰值增益 |
19dB最小值,20dB典型值 |
增益抖动 |
±1dB最大值 |
偏正相关增益(PDG) |
±1dB最大值 |
饱和输出功率 |
14dBm典型值 |
正向电压 |
2V典型值 |
工作偏置电流 |
350mA型 |
热敏电阻阻抗 |
10kΩ典型值@25℃ |
连接头 |
FC/APC,或其他 |
工作温度(箱) |
-10℃至+70℃,TQ版可选 |
存储温度 |
-40℃至+85℃ |
工作湿度 |
0%至85%相对湿度 |
工作偏置电流 |
450mA |
光学放大器反向偏置电压 |
2V |
热敏电阻电流 |
5mA |
TEC电流 |
1.8A |
TEC电压 |
3.4V |
Important Notice
Performance figures, data and any illustrative material provided in this data sheet are typical and must be specifically confirmed in writing by F-tone Networks before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. In accordance with the F-tone Networks policy of continuous improvement specifications may change without notice.
The publication of information in this data sheet does not imply freedom from patent or other protective rights of F-tone Networks or others. Further details are available from any F-tone Networks sales representative.