北亿纤通专业研发生产光缆,工业级光缆,军用野战防水光缆,光纤跳线,工业级光纤跳线。各种是一个专业的光缆,工业级光缆,军用野战防水光缆,光纤跳线,工业级光纤跳线厂家, 有很好的光缆,工业级光缆,军用野战防水光缆,光纤跳线,工业级光纤跳线价格。产品包含:SC光纤跳线,LC光纤跳线,FC光纤跳线,ST光纤跳线,E2K光纤跳线,MU光纤跳线,D4光纤跳线,DIN光纤跳线,MTRJ光纤跳线,LX.5光纤跳线,VF-45光纤跳线,SMA光纤跳线,FDDI光纤跳线,ESCON光纤跳线....全系列光纤跳线
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1.2 毫米跳线
F-tone Networks 提供微型 1.2 毫米光纤跳线,作为解决布线拥堵问题的有效解决方案之一,特别适用于高密度接插环境。端接超小型 1.2 毫米护套光缆,这种跳线,比使用普通 2.0 毫米光缆跳线节省超过 60% 的空间,同时又不会影响拉力。我们根据客户要求,提供各种连接器选项,包括 LC 和 SC,并提供不同的研磨类型和光纤模式。所有组件,都具有卓越的光学性能与数据可追踪性。
100G QSFP28 有源光缆
北亿纤通的100G QSFP28 AOC有源光缆广泛应用于数据中心、高性能计算和存储区域网络。具有极高的可靠性,低成本低功耗等优势。同时100%完美兼容全系列品牌服务器,交换机,路由器,PDH/SDH传输设备,EPON,GPON,WDM PON基站等等全系列设备,通过OM3多模光纤(MMF)可以实现距离高达100m的互连
100G QSFP28 转 25G SFP28 AOC
北亿纤通的100G QSFP28转25G SFP28 AOC有源光缆用于数据中心100G(100GBASE-SR4)转4路25G(25GBASE-SR)以太网分支链路,同时100%完美兼容全系列品牌服务器,交换机,路由器,PDH/SDH传输设备,EPON,GPON,WDM PON基站等等全系列设备。
10G SFP+ 有源光缆
10G SFP+ 有源光缆具有极高的可靠性,低成本优势,低功耗小于1W(每端), 北亿纤通可提供100米(OM3万兆多模)以内的长度定制化的选择。100%完美兼容全系列品牌服务器,交换机,路由器,PDH/SDH传输设备,EPON,GPON,10G EPON,10G GPON,WDM PON基站等等全系列设备
12 Core MPO Box, 1 port MPO to 12 ports SC connectors, OM3, MMF
● 1MPO-12SC-OM3● 1 MPO connector in, 12 SC connectors out● MMF, OM3● Box Size: 118.5x64.5x33.2mm ( Lx Wx H) ● F-tone Networks Made in China.
12 Core MPO Box, 1 port MPO to 12 ports SC connectors, SMF
● 1MPO-12SC-SM1● 1 MPO connector in, 12 SC connectors out● SMF● Box Size: 118.5x64.5x33.2mm ( Lx Wx H)● F-tone Networks Made in China.
120 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 1U, 10 ports MPO to 120 ports LC connectors, OM3, MMF
● 1U Chassis loaded with 5pcs MPO Boxes ( MPOBOX01-2 )● Total 120 Core, 10 MPO connectors in, 120 LC connectors out● MMF OM3● F-tone Networks Made in China.
120 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 1U, 10 ports MPO to 120 ports LC connectors, SMF
● 1U Chassis loaded with 5pcs MPO Boxes ( MPOBOX11-2 )● Total 120 Core, 10 MPO connectors in, 120 LC connectors out● SMF● F-tone Networks Made in China.
产品特点♦ 低插入损耗,高回波衰减;♦ 互换性好、高稳定性;♦ 光纤芯数:4,6,8,12,24,48…
144 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 2U, 12 ports MPO to 144 ports LC connectors, OM3, MMF
● 2U Chassis loaded with 6pcs MPO Boxes ( MPOBOX01-2 )● Total 144 Core, 12 MPO connectors in, 144 LC connectors out● MMF OM3● F-tone Networks Made in China.
144 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 2U, 12 ports MPO to 144 ports LC connectors, SMF
● 2U Chassis loaded with 6pcs MPO Boxes ( MPOBOX11-2 )● Total 144 Core, 12 MPO connectors in, 144 LC connectors out● SMF● F-tone Networks Made in China.
144 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 2U, 12 ports MPO to 144 ports SC connectors, OM3, MMF
● 2U Chassis loaded with 12pcs MPO Boxes ( MPOBOX05 )● Total 144 Core, 12 MPO connectors in, 144 SC connectors out● MMF OM3● F-tone Networks Made in China.
144 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 2U, 12 ports MPO to 144 ports SC connectors, SMF
● 2U Chassis loaded with 12pcs MPO Boxes ( MPOBOX13 )● Total 144 Core, 12 MPO connectors in, 144 SC connectors out● SMF ● F-tone Networks Made in China.
1U Chassis(For MPO Boxd
● 1U chassis● Not to be sold seperately● Working with MPO boxes● Max capacity:5 MPO boxes ● F-tone Networks Made in China.
200μm 小外径弯曲不敏感单模光纤
产品应用● 适用于各种结构的光缆● 在 O-E-S-C-L 波段工作性能优异● FTTx 高速光路由
24 Core MPO Box, 2 ports MPO to 2x 12 ports LC connectors, OM3, MMF
● 2MPO-24LC-OM3● 2 MPO connectors in, 24 LC connectors out● MMF, OM3● Mounting on MPO-Chassis-1U or MPO-Chassis-2U ● Box Size: 118.5x64.5x33.2mm ( Lx Wx H) ● F-tone Networks Made in China.
24 Core MPO Box, 2 ports MPO to 2x 12 ports LC connectors, SMF
● 2MPO-24LC-SM1● 2 MPO connectors in, 24 LC connectors out● SMF● Mounting on MPO-Chassis-1U or MPO-Chassis-2U● Box Size: 118.5x64.5x33.2mm ( Lx Wx H)● F-tone Networks Made in China.
24 Core MPO Box, 3 ports MPO to 3x 8 ports LC connectors, OM3, MMF
● 3MPO-24LC-OM3● 3 MPO connectors in, 24 LC connectors out● MMF, OM3● Box Size: 118.5x64.5x33.2mm ( Lx Wx H)● F-tone Networks Made in China.
24 Core MPO Box, 3 ports MPO to 3x 8 ports LC connectors, SMF
● 3MPO-24LC-SM1● 3 MPO connectors in, 24 LC connectors out● SMF● Box Size: 118.5x64.5x33.2mm ( Lx Wx H)● F-tone Networks Made in China.
288 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 2U, 24 ports MPO to 288 ports LC connectors, OM3, MMF
● 2U Chassis loaded with 12pcs MPO Boxes ( MPOBOX01-2 )● Total 288 Core, 24 MPO connectors in, 288 LC connectors out● MMF OM3● F-tone Networks Made in China.
288 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 2U, 24 ports MPO to 288 ports LC connectors, SMF
● 2U Chassis loaded with 12pcs MPO Boxes ( MPOBOX11-2 )● Total 288 Core, 24 MPO connectors in, 288 LC connectors out● SMF ● F-tone Networks Made in China.
2U Chassis(For MPO Box)
● 2U chassis● Not to be sold seperately● Working with MPO boxes● Max capacity:12 MPO boxes ● F-tone Networks Made in China.
40G QSFP+ 有源光缆
北亿纤通的40G QSFP+ AOC有源光缆用于数据中心40G(40GBASE-SR4)以太网链路,同时100%完美兼容全系列品牌服务器,交换机,路由器,PDH/SDH传输设备,EPON,GPON,WDM PON基站等等全系列设备,通过OM3多模光纤(MMF)可以实现距离高达100m的互连,具有极高的可靠性,低成本低功耗等优势。
北亿纤通的40G QSFP+转10G SFP+ AOC有源光缆用于数据中心40G(40GBASE-SR4)转4路10G(10GBASE-SR)以太网分支链路,同时100%完美兼容全系列品牌服务器,交换机,路由器,PDH/SDH传输设备,EPON,GPON,WDM PON基站等等全系列设备,通过OM3多模光纤(MMF)可以实现距离高达100m的互连,具有极高的可靠性,低成本低功耗等优势。
60 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 1U, 5 ports MPO to 60 ports SC connectors, OM3, MMF
● 1U Chassis loaded with 5pcs MPO Boxes ( MPOBOX05 )● Total 60 Core, 5 MPO connectors in, 60 SC connectors out● MMF OM3● F-tone Networks Made in China.
60 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 1U, 5 ports MPO to 60 ports SC connectors, SMF
● 1U Chassis loaded with 5pcs MPO Boxes ( MPOBOX13 )● Total 60 Core, 5 MPO connectors in, 60 SC connectors out● SMF ● F-tone Networks Made in China.
72 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 1U, 6 ports MPO to 72 ports LC connectors, OM3, MMF
● 1U Chassis loaded with 3pcs MPO Boxes ( MPOBOX01-2 )● Total 72 Core, 6 MPO connectors in, 72 LC connectors out● MMF OM3● F-tone Networks Made in China.
72 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 1U, 6 ports MPO to 72 ports LC connectors, SMF
● 1U Chassis loaded with 3pcs MPO Boxes ( MPOBOX11-2 )● Total 72 Core, 6 MPO connectors in, 72 LC connectors out● SMF● F-tone Networks Made in China.
8 字型光缆(GYTC8A)
GYTC8A 光缆的结构是将 250µm 光纤套入高模量材料制成的松套管中,松套管内填充防水化合物。缆芯的中心是一根金属加强芯,松套管(和填充绳)围绕中心加强芯绞合成紧凑和圆形的缆芯。缆芯用一层涂塑铝带(APL)纵包后,和钢丝绞线集成到一个 8 字型的聚乙烯护套内。 北亿纤通科技有限公司还可提供 Y 护套或 S 护套的 8 字型光缆 GYTC8Y、GYTC8S 等,此类产品多应用于自承式架空敷设。
♦ 符合Telcordia GR-326-CORE标准;♦ 低插入损耗,高回波衰减,高稳定性;♦ 重复插拔特性好,互换性好;
AMPHECOM多模双芯OM3光纤跳线 LC黑色连接头