F-tone Networks生产这些平衡光电探测器相当于平衡接收器,通过两个光学输入信号相减消除共模噪声,这样可以从干扰噪声本底中提取时减小光信号路径中的变化。探测器包含两个平衡的光电二极管(PIN)和一个超低噪声、高速跨阻放大器。两个光电二极管相互匹配,具有极佳的共模抑制比(CMRR),从而更好地降低噪声。请参靠下表中各型号指标了解更过信息。所有探测器都都具有3个母头SMA电连接端口,用于减少噪声,除跨阻放大器的RF OUT端口外,Monitor+和Monitor-端口可以单独监控每个光电二极管的响应。

Important Notice
Performance figures, data and any illustrative material provided in this data sheet are typical and must be specifically confirmed in writing by F-tone Networks before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. In accordance with the F-tone Networks policy of continuous improvement specifications may change without notice.
The publication of information in this data sheet does not imply freedom from patent or other protective rights of F-tone Networks or others. Further details are available from any F-tone Networks sales representative.