FT-SM-CEYFL-K是一款基于超窄线宽激光器+双包层光纤功率放大器(MOPA)配置的1550nm波段超窄线宽光纤激光器。选用国际高性能超窄线宽种子激光器,使输出激光具有极窄的线宽(KHz量级)以及较低的相对强度噪声(RIN)。多模激光器泵浦双包层光纤的光功率放大器确保高功率输出,同时经过优化的光路设计有效地抑制了受激布里渊散射(SBS)导致的器件损坏以及可靠性降低问题。 可提供带制冷或非制冷两种规格产品。带制冷结构工作温度范围可达-5℃~+55℃并确保设备在极限温度条件下的长期可靠运行。非制冷结构缩减了外形尺寸,节省空间,适用于对体积、重量要求严格的应用场合。 |
超窄线宽(KHz) 种子激光/功率放大(MOPA)结构 连续输出光功率(Max. 3.5W) 光功率可调(10-100%) 可选激光辐射波长(1545-1565nm) 优异的光束质量(M 2 < 1.5) 非制冷结构或带制冷结构可选 可选光连接器或光准直器输出 |
干涉型光纤传感(Interferometer) 石油/天然气勘探系统(Oil/Gas Integrator) 高精度激光雷达(LIDAR) 声学传感、水听器(Hydrophone) 激光干涉测试(Laser Interferometer) 相干光通信(Coherent Communication) |
Important Notice
Performance figures, data and any illustrative material provided in this data sheet are typical and must be specifically confirmed in writing by F-tone Networks before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. In accordance with the F-tone Networks policy of continuous improvement specifications may change without notice.
The publication of information in this data sheet does not imply freedom from patent or other protective rights of F-tone Networks or others. Further details are available from any F-tone Networks sales representative.